Become a fūdrr Community Partner



 Partner/Sponsor Fact Sheet

Public, private and civic organizations interested in supporting healthy lifestyles are invited to join the fūdrr community, including:

  • Produce retailers and growers
  • Healthcare providers and insurers
  • Social service agencies
  • All other oganizations interested in supporting community health  

Partners and sponsors benefit from positive branding/imaging on and at fūdrr retail outlets. Contributions can include in-kind (outreach, expertise, etc.) and/or monetary contributions.  

Partnership opportunities:

  • Donate fūdrr produce rewards for your constituents or the general public
  • Sponsor fūdrr features - such as healthy lifestyle challenges, contests, blogs, quizzes
  • Create or support community healthy lifestyle campaigns

Produce Retailer Benefits: Learn about becoming a fudrr retailer here

  • Brings customers to your door when you sponsor fūdrr produce points for redemption at your store or when  users redeem fūdrr rewards sponsored by other organizations. 
  • Increases demand for fresh produce through fudrr healthy eating campaigns.
  • Supports your customers & community

Health and Social Service Organization Benefits

  • Create customized healthy lifestyle challenges for the people you serve with chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes or with special health needs such as new moms.
  • Increase access to produce for the people you serve by providing fūdrr produce rewards for those in greatest need.
  • Use the power of social media to encourage patients/members to adopt healthier lifestyles. Health care providers can host private groups to address their constituents specific needs.  API patient data transfer options available.
  • Target geographic areas with high needs through collaborative community projects.
  • Receive confidential detailed reports of fūdrr engagement by the people you serve
  • SNAP-Ed Providers - USDA has approved using fudrr as a SNAP-Ed incentive.  Kid's Cook! is providing a $4.99 coupon for on-line cooking class participants.   Ask us for details. 


Want to know more about becoming a community partner? Fill out our questionnaire!